Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Baby feet!

I got my dh a new camera for the occasion of the birth of the new baby. He's been having fun with it and snapping happily. He was the last of many children and apparently there are only like 1 or 2 pictures of him as a baby documented! I did have to look high and low for where he put his camera so I could download the pictures onto my computer. He was looking at the pictures and he noted that he had taken one of me while I was feeding the baby and my naked boob was showing. I strongly suggested that he delete that one unless he felt he could make some money off of it on the internet...ha, ha,ha!


Irish Girl said...

Baby feet! With baby kung fu ninja hands! So sweet :-)

Erica Kain said...

What a cute decoration for your mantle! Thanks for sharing!