Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bleeding nipples...great name for a punk/ metal band

OK, I put MSB to the boob every 3 hours in the hospital and ended up with bleeding, painful, scabbed nipples. I BF my 1st kid so I knew how to position/ latch on and had the nurses check me. MSB has this power suction and I think it got worse as she was HUNGRY and all she got were tiny bits of colostrum. After seeing her pull away with a mouthful of blood, I just cried and got out the bottles. My milk did come in 2 days, but by that time I didn't want to feed her (or pump) and had already been giving her formula. OK you can throw nursing pads at me now. Crazy is so much easier esp at night. Instead of endless nursing sessions in the bleak parts of the night, we heat, eat burp and sleep in about 20-30 minutes. I am such a happier mommy and MSB is content. That 1st bottle I gave her she just sucked it down burped like a trucker and was calm and sighed contentedly.

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