Thursday, May 31, 2007

Out out damn cough

Cold (or coryza the word missed by the 2nd place finisher (Canadian) at the National Spelling Bee ....when the heck did Canada become part of our country?) symptoms are improving but now I in addition to the snot factory in my head the nagging cough has started. This is not so good as my surgeon did not want me to COUGH any before my surgery as to avoid traumatizing my already fragile tumor filled rib. Tonight after a day of several brands of cough drops, syrups, etc. finally popped something with codeine in it. I am writing this as I feel my body slowly sliding into unconscious oblivion. Must fight to stay coherent. T minus 7 days until the surgery. Maybe I should wear some backless shirts or do nude portraits before I gain a scar.


Erica Kain said...

You should definitely show off your flawless back as much as possible, then get a nice distracting tattoo after the surgery, yes? Sorry to hear about your snot, I hope it clears up soon!

Anonymous said...

Just checking in - I know your surgery is coming up and I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope all is uneventful and as painless as possible.