Saturday, January 19, 2008


My whole entire day (except for a few bathroom breaks and one mercifully taken naptime) has been devoted to watching juice being spilled/ thrown/ leaked all over my house. I have just finished mopping and putting wee one in her crib/ cage. How do you lecture (I did) a 2 1/2 year old on not WASTING food? I know I will look back on this later and be amused, but I am just at the end of my rope now. I know that most of this is limit testing and toddler experimentation with liquids and flow. It is just very difficult to watch it in real time. We did do a time out today (2nd one in her life) after she threw a cup of juice/ cherries/ etc at me in the kitchen in frustration. It was effective and she came out saying "SORRWY" and "What happened?" Those temper tantrums sure are rough on her.

1 comment:

Erica Kain said...

Is there nothing so irritating as watching your child hurl colored liquid??? I'm so with you on this one, sister. If I serve juice in the "wrong cup" I can easily get hurled. Remind me again that they will grow up someday!