Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Partly Cloudy

Well, my head is clearing and the world seems less wobbly and wiggly. The pain is mostly tolerable and I am @ the computer again. I had a mild-moderate panic attack because the pathology report came back on the fence, but my doc said not to worry so much now as the specimen is being sent off to Mayo Clinic for further evaluation. What I have is apparently really rare and needs to be really studied. So for now, I rest, recover, write thank you notes for cakes and flowers brought to me, and plan for a 2 year old's birthday party in a few weeks.

This experience has given me some further thoughts on infertility treatments. Going through infertility treatment is difficult because it is like going through medical treatment for a disease. Only difference is that childbearing is supposed to be this "natural process" that every human female is supposed to have the capability to do. The disease is the inability to do so. But the frustration is that inability to do so has so many reasons/ causes and there are so many myths surrounding it. brain sure does weird stuff while on drugs.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Glad to hear you're recovering.

Good luck party planning--ours is tomorrow. Wow, where did the two years go?!