Monday, September 25, 2006

Naying the Naysayers

Have you ever heard that saying that you can't have it all? That if you are a successful mom then you can't be successful at work/ singing in the church choir/ being a happy wife/ caring friend/ loving daughter... I don't know who said that or what kind of mood they were in, but that echoes unfortunately through my head sometimes, a pessimistic chant of well, this particular situation turned out ok, but something else is going to fall apart. It is not often I think about this, because most of the time I am happy and optimistic. I don't know why this creeps up every now and then. What is ALL anyway? For each individual person that could mean a whole bunch of things or just a few, changing with each moment of life. For Anna Nichole Smith, it might mean all the millions and billions of dollars she was to inherit or just a few more moments with her lost son.

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