Friday, October 24, 2008

Entering uncharted territory

Well, I am starting to get into the time where things started getting freaky the last pregnancy. Anxiety about whether this one is about to GO is increasing. I worry in the wee hours of the night whether my water will break as I get up to pee (that's how it happened last time) and whether the twinge of pain I feel is a contraction warming up or just being constipated. Wee one came at 34 weeks 5 days and that day is today according to my LMP; however my high risk OB thinks I am 1 week behind actually according to size. Part of me is hopeful that I'll make it to 36-37 dh giggled at me last night when the commercial for the new James Bond movie came on and said the movie was opening Nov 14. I said that is the day the baby will be born and I'll name her "Bond!"

Please baby, hang on for 3-4 more weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hoping that baby decides to stay put for a few more weeks, like say 4 or 5 at the least?

Hang in there :-)

ABeautifulDay said...

Thinking good thoughts for more baking time for baby. Stay strong momma!

Erica Kain said...

These anniversaries are kind of tough, I completely get you. I think your Bond child will make it for the long haul, though!