Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still here

Well, I am still pregnant and still struggling somewhat. I just got over a stomach virus (yuk) that I was blaming on the baby, but the arrival of diarrhea changed that thought. But yesterday (better) and today (much better) I am seeing some hope. I went to get a pedicure today and got petted and fretted over by the ladies there (my friend owns the day spa/ salon). It was nice to primp a bit. Makes me feel almost normal again. Mom is coming and I hope just her presence will help perk me up (Dad too). I am very lucky that I still have healthy parents that will come and visit me anytime.


Erica Kain said...

Hey friend, I know these are extremely tough times, but I am here to assure you that there really is a happy ending to the whole story. It may be murky and crappy right now, but just hang on. It's going to take some time, but there is an extremely cute light at the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

What shaken mama said.
Ditto. Thinking of you.