Today was Loulou's dance recital. The one I have been not looking forward to since I signed her up for classes a year ago. I had her take dance to have a fun activity to do and her best friend also signed up too. She has enjoyed classes all year, only missing one due to dental work. I have found kinship in the group of moms that wait patiently in the lobby while the class is going on. I have been a terribly anxious wreck this week. I thought it might be some issues I had as a young dancer/ teen in dance, but perhaps that was only some of it. We sailed thru rehearsals, techincal, dress, and today, Loulou shed a few tears and said she didn't want to do it because of her itchy costume (has complained several times about this in past and we tried to cut all the itchy things out/ trimmed sequins, etc). She asked to go home. I wanted to and didn't want to take her away. She was the leader in the lineup coming out and knew the dance well.
Finally, I had to leave with all the moms and with my heart pounding sat down to wait and watch. The music for her number started and she came out. She was wonderful. I met her back at the dressing room and with itchy costume off, she was my happy Lou lou again. Maybe it was all the people there and all the primping, and maybe it was just the itchy sleeves on the costume. I am sure glad it's over. As far as future dance mom put it in perspective that if she enjoyed the classes, the recital was only once a year. Once a year to add some more grey hairs to my head!